Nedräkning inför Lag-SM

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Martin Danerud
Posts: 602
Joined: 05 Nov 2007 22:19

Nedräkning inför Lag-SM

Post by Martin Danerud »

För närvarande är fyra lag helt klara för Lag-SM i Leksand:

Göteborg 1
Göteborg 2
Guldgeneralerna (Trollhättan)

Farhad Rouhani försöker samla styrkorna i Kungsängen till deltagande. Vi hoppas också på Västervik, Västerås och Västmanland. Individer som inte har så stark knytning till någon klubb är också välkomna. Inför starten av första ronden ordnar vi så att alla får spela i något lag.
Martin Danerud
Posts: 602
Joined: 05 Nov 2007 22:19

Post by Martin Danerud »

Här följer det senaste Newsletter från arrangörerna av European Go Congress:

Dear go friends,

* There are now 909 persons from 40 different countries registered for the European Go Congress:

, 719 of them to play in the tournaments. We look forward to welcoming at least 21 professionals to Leksand. It is of course not too late to register, but if we get registrations earlier we have better possibilities to help with accommodation etc. So if you have friends who might want to come, please encourage them to register!

* The congress info desk telephone number will be: +46 703021419. We will answer calls to this number in day time (local time) from July 21. From July 26 onwards during the congress the info desk and café at the Gymnasium School will be open 24h and the phone number will be active as well.

* We accept card payment at the registration, info desk and in the Gästis pub. Cash payment by SEK or Euro will also be accepted in these places, with the Euro rate 1 Euro = 9 SEK.

* We will send mini buses to Leksand station to pick people and luggage up for all trains that arrive from the Stockholm direction in the afternoon July 25 and the whole day July 26th.

* Anyone arriving in Leksand later than 23.00 (and not with our chartered buses) is advised to send us a mail to , so that we can make sure that it will work out with keys etc for accommodation.

* The Swedish summer weather is variable, so try to bring clothes both for warm and slightly chilly weather. Don't forget bathing costume.

* We will provide some go equipment for lending in Leksand, but since there are many participants, the supplies may get short. So if you have space for it, it may be a good idea to bring travel board.

* You can update your rank when you arrive in Leksand, but if you let us know about changes beforehand it may speed up the registration process a little bit.

* On saturday-sunday August 2-3, the Swedish Team Shogi championship will be played in Leksand. In the evening August 3, there will be an open shogi tournament. If you are interested to take part in that, if you let us know by e-mail it's easier to plan for equipment.

* If you want to use our bus airport transfer services but haven't booked tickets yet, please do it soon, since the numbers can not be changed closed to the arrival date. Likewise, if you want to take part in our wednesday excursions, the weekend excursion to Stockholm or the opera and choir performances in Dalhalla at reduced price, please book tickets soon, as the number of places is limited.

best wishes,

EGC 2008 team
Martin Danerud
Posts: 602
Joined: 05 Nov 2007 22:19

Post by Martin Danerud »

Antalet individuella deltagare stiger hela tiden i Lag-SM. Kungsängen har hittills inte nått kritisk massa för att kunna deltaga, utan deras spelare kommer förmodligen att spela för Stockholm. Å andra sidan innebär det att vi inte behöver så många spelare till för att eventuellt kunna pussla ihop fem lag.
Därför uppmanar jag alla medlemmar i Sveriges Shogiförbund att ta sig en extra funderare på att tillåta sig glädjen att vara med om Lag-SM i Leksand, extraturneringen på söndagen och European Go Congress.
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